Saturday, February 4, 2012

Our host family

We finally arrived at our host family's house which was thankfully only a few streets away from our hotel, so we just walked down the street with all of our luggage. We unpacked...there are lots of drawers and a closet and two desks in our room (pictures are on facebook) so it is pretty nice. Their names are Juan and Dolores (who likes to be called Lola). They have two older sons who live on their own in Sevilla and a daughter, Monica, who is 23 who lives here but goes to school in a town outside Sevilla so we hear she's not here much during the week. They provide us with all three meals. Breakfast at 8 (before class at 9), lunch at 2:00, and dinner at 9. These are pretty normal times to eat here. The food has been pretty good so far. They bring them up to our little living room on trays and the table has a little heater underneath it to turn on and keep warm. :) Juan took us on a very long walk in the afternoon. He showed us he fastest way to get to the school, then the scenic route back, showing us lots of different landmarks and teaching us about the city. It was encouraging that we were able to have a long conversation with him all in Spanish! We went into La Plaza de la EncarnaciĆ³n (we called it the honeycomb. hah) you can go up in it and it overlooks the city. It was very cool.

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